Welcome to the Agile Roundup blog. A practitioners guide to opinions, observations and comments being expressed in the agile sphere by not just those who coach or consult on agile projects but also those who work in the trenches every day. The practice of agile, whether it is scrum, kanban or XP or any other exotic flavor of those always seems to evoke strong opinions, ranging from dogmatic to pragmatic. This blog aims to provide a consolidated list of these opinions along with a short review of each to give you a preview of the posts.
Blogs like Mike Griffith's Leading Answers, Peter Saddington's Agile Scout and the agile biggies like Mike Cohn will be regularly featured. As an agile practitioner for almost 10 years, there will be some personal opining that I will indulge in, but this is mostly a round up of varying opinions in the agile sphere. Looking forward to sharing with, learning and hearing from all who stop by.